
Sunday Services

8:30 am

We invite all to the 8:30 am in-person Eucharist. This service will also be shared via Facebook Live.


Good Shepherd and the World

9:45 am

"Resilience, Resistance, and Hope: Insights for Sustainable Futures from Community-Engaged Religious Studies"

Religious Studies as an academic discipline is sometimes centered on the details and histories of specific world religions. Along with the efforts of conventionally understood religious communities, though, insights from religious studies can also help to interpret community responses to pressing challenges. Grounded in this approach, this presentation will describe several community-engaged research projects focused on responses to environmental and social challenges. These include studies among Vietnamese American shrimpers on the US Gulf Coast following the 2010 BP Oil Spill, direct action protests against coal mining and natural gas pipelines in Appalachia, and insights from community-engaged pedagogy with University of Tennessee undergraduates. In all, these examples suggest how communities are developing resilience, resistance, and hope amid ecological and social challenges.

Dr. Joseph Witt is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture.


Centering Prayer

7:00 pm

This is a simple service with a devotional liturgy, 20 minutes of silence, and closing prayers. Typically includes Eucharist once a month and brief book discussions on the other weeks. Whether new to CP or not, all are warmly welcome!


Tai Chi Gung

6:00 pm
parish hall

Carrie Murray, personal trainer, teaches this class. It typically runs for 45 minutes to an hour and includes standing Tai Chi Gung exercises, but chairs are provided if needed. Many of the exercises can be modified when sitting. This practice is recommended for adults over the age of 25 or so.

The Tai Chi Gung is a simple and unique practice to equilibrium and health that was developed by Lao Tzu. Its benefits vary depending on what you are looking to achieve. The exercises may enhance your physical fitness by:

  • Improving flexibility and joint health;
  • Enhancing cardiovascular function; and
  • Strengthening the immune system.

They can also calm you, provide a deeper level of inner peace and cultivate more mindfulness. Although this practice offers many of the same benefits as the Tai Chi, it is unique in many ways. Please join the class to learn more about it and see if it is right for you! A suggested donation of $10 per class will go to Carrie; she also does Venmo.a


Tai Chi Gung

12:00 pm
parish hall

Carrie Murray, personal trainer, teaches this class. It typically runs for 45 minutes to an hour and includes standing Tai Chi Gung exercises, but chairs are provided if needed. Many of the exercises can be modified when sitting. This practice is recommended for adults over the age of 25 or so.

The Tai Chi Gung is a simple and unique practice to equilibrium and health that was developed by Lao Tzu. Its benefits vary depending on what you are looking to achieve. The exercises may enhance your physical fitness by:

  • Improving flexibility and joint health;
  • Enhancing cardiovascular function; and
  • Strengthening the immune system.

They can also calm you, provide a deeper level of inner peace and cultivate more mindfulness. Although this practice offers many of the same benefits as the Tai Chi, it is unique in many ways. Please join Carrie next week in her Wednesday noon class to learn more about it and see if it is right for you! A suggested donation of $10 per class will go to Carrie; she also does Venmo.


Bible Study

11:00 am
parish hall

Study and discussion of the upcoming Sunday lectionary readings. Please join us for this rich and informative conversation!


Stations of the Cross

12:00 pm

During Lent Stations of the Cross will be offered each Friday at noon. Immediately following, the Healing Prayer process of soaking prayer will be offered. You may wonder what is soaking prayer? It is an opportunity to rest in the Lord's presence while prayer ministers stand behind you, place their hands on your shoulders, and silently intercede on your behalf, becoming vessels of God's healing Spirit.